St. George's Episcopal Church

To learn, to grow, to serve

  in God's transforming Love

God loves you - no exceptions!
Join us on the Way of Love!


St. George’s is a community where you can find caring, love, and personal support.  We worship with enthusiasm in a mixture of traditional and contemporary styles.  We pray for one another at worship on Sundays and during the week with active email prayers.  All are welcome in Jesus’ love at St. George’s!  I hope that you will come grow with us!  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by phone/text at 916-753-9939 or email at

In Jesus’ love,

Father Ray Hess


10:00 am Holy Eucharist

Please Join Us in Person or Online Via Facebook Live

Holy Week 

(all services in person and livestreamed on our Facebook page)

Palm Sunday, April 13th, service at 10 a.m.

Maundy Thursday, April 17th, service and potluck 6p.m.

Good Friday, April 18th, service at noon

Easter Sunday, April 19th, service 10 a.m.

 Join Us Online

Via Facebook Live for

Sunday Worship and Weekly Prayer 

Our Vision Statement and Beliefs

   Vision Statement: 

  We strive to be a community of

  love, inclusiveness, and healing so that all will know that

  God's transforming love is here, near, and real.    


    Our beliefs:

  1. As Episcopalians, we believe that God loves you – no exceptions.
  2. We are followers of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and we believe in God the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  3. We strive to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every person.
  4. The Episcopal Church is a safe and welcoming community of faith to all including those in the LGBTQ community.
  5. The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion and traces its heritage to the beginnings of Christianity.
  6. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and worship with the Book of Common Prayer.
  7. Both men and women, regardless of marital status or orientation, are eligible for ordination as deacons, priests, and bishops.
  8. We believe in the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
  9. Lay people exercise a vital role in the governance and ministry of our church.
  10. All are welcome to receive Holy Communion, not only members of the Episcopal Church.
  11. We affirm that, for Christians, marriage is a lifelong commitment between two adults, regardless of gender. Episcopalians also recognize that there is grace after divorce, celebrate re-marriages, and do not deny the sacraments to those whose marriages have ended.
  12. We affirm the role of individual conscience informed by scripture and tradition, in ethical matters where people can reasonably disagree.
  13. We celebrate our unity in Christ while honoring our differences, always putting the work of love before uniformity of opinion.
  14. All are welcome to find a spiritual home in the Episcopal Church.


Pets are welcome at our worship services. Pets must be leashed. If a pet is making noises or distractions, the owner must take their pet out of the worship space until the pet is quiet.

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